How Many Calories Are in Tequila VS. Vodka?

The question of whether or not alcohol consumption is detrimental to one’s health is always up for debate. While the issue of alcohol content is the most readily apparent subtopic here, there is also another one. The calorie content of various beverages is the focus here.

Vodka and tequila are regularly pitted against each other as the best-mixed cocktail. The challenge we have now is deciding which drink is the best. Which liquor, tequila or vodka, has fewer calories?

Vodka has fewer calories than tequila, but why is that the case? We’ll have to compare the two liquors in more detail to find out.

Is Tequila the Same as Vodka?

Tequila and vodka are two very different drinks. While both are alcoholic beverages, there are significant distinctions between them despite their transparency. These two well-liked liquors share the characteristics of being distilled spirits and having an ABV of 40% in common.

Tequila is distilled from the blue agave plant. In contrast, vodka is typically distilled from starch or, less commonly, a sugar-rich plant. Tequila undergoes five distinct distillation processes before reaching the bottle, while vodka only goes through one. Last but not least, Tequila has a more complex flavor profile than vodka.

How Many Calories Are In a Bottle of Tequila?

Approximately 1649 calories can be found in a 750 ml bottle of Tequila. The low sugar content of the blue agave plant accounts for its low-calorie content. Instead, it has its unique sweetness. Intriguingly, tequila made exclusively from agave plants is also noted for being carbohydrate-free.

The Most Common FAQs

Vodka: How Many Calories in a Shot?

It is estimated that there are 1,629 calories in a standard, 750 ml bottle of vodka.

This estimate, however, is based on the standard 90-proof Vodka bottle. However, it’s important to remember that Vodka with a greater proof also has a larger calorie count.

How Does the Proof or Alcohol Content of Tequila and Vodka Relate to Their Calorie Count?

The alcohol content or proof of a beverage directly relates to its calorie content. Higher proof means more alcohol by volume, and thus, more calories. For example, a 100-proof vodka will contain more calories than an 80-proof vodka. It’s essential to factor this in if you’re comparing the calorie content of different proofs.

What is the Calorie Count for a Single Shot of Tequila?

About ninety-seven calories can be found in a 1.5-ounce shot of Tequila. As far as distilled spirits go, this is a very decent amount.

For instance, there are about 113 calories in a 1.5-ounce shot of whisky.

How Does the Calorie Content in Tequila and Vodka Compare to Non-alcoholic Beverages?

While tequila and vodka have calories from their alcohol content, many non-alcoholic beverages derive their calories from sugars. For instance, a 12-ounce soda can range from 140-200 calories, mostly from sugars. In comparison, a 1.5-ounce shot of tequila or vodka is generally under 100 calories. When monitoring calorie intake, it’s essential to consider both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage choices.

To What Extent Does Vodka Have Calories?

There are roughly 96 calories in a typical, 1.5-ounce shot of Vodka. A 90-proof bottle of vodka is estimated to have this many calories.

Although this is quite a bit, it is preferable to other alcoholic drinks on the market.

How Does Aging Affect the Calorie Content in Liquors Like Tequila or Vodka?

Aging doesn’t significantly change the calorie content of the liquor. However, it can influence the flavor profile and smoothness of the drink. Aged liquors might taste sweeter or have caramel notes due to the interaction with the barrels, but this doesn’t translate to a significant increase in calories.

Which Drink Has the Fewest Calories?

Vodka is the booze with the fewest calories. It’s common knowledge that the calorie counts of most straight spirits are modest.

Does the Way I Serve My Drink (Mixed VS. Neat) Affect Its Total Calorie Count?

Absolutely. Drinking your liquor neat or on the rocks means you’re consuming only the calories present in the alcohol itself. When you introduce mixers, especially sugary ones like soda, juice, or pre-made cocktail blends, you’re adding additional calories to your drink. It’s always a good idea to be mindful of what’s being added if you’re watching your calorie intake.

Are There Low-calorie Mixers That Complement Tequila or Vodka Without Drastically Increasing the Drink’s Total Calorie Count?

Yes, there are several low-calorie mixers suitable for both tequila and vodka. Options like soda water, lime or lemon juice, and unsweetened iced tea can add flavor without significant calorie content. Opting for these can allow you to enjoy a mixed drink while still being mindful of your calorie consumption.

What Type of Alcoholic Beverage Contains the Most Calories?

Beer has more calories than any other beverage. Beer’s calorie count rises alongside its alcohol percentage.

Why is There a Difference in Calorie Count Between Tequila and Vodka?

While both tequila and vodka are distilled spirits, the raw materials used and the distillation processes differ. Tequila is derived from the blue agave plant, which has its unique sugar content, whereas vodka is typically made from starch or sugar-rich plants. These differences can result in varying caloric values.

What is the Safest Alcohol to Drink?

Many people believe that red wine is the healthiest alcoholic beverage, even though Tequila is also considered healthy.

Do Flavored Vodkas and Tequilas Have a Higher Calorie Count Than Their Traditional Counterparts?

Flavored vodkas and tequilas often contain added sugars or flavoring agents that can increase the calorie count. If you’re considering a flavored option, it’s a good idea to check the nutritional information, as the calorie content can vary depending on the brand and the type of flavoring used.

Does the Region or Brand of Tequila and Vodka Influence Its Calorie Content?

While the primary ingredients and distillation methods influence the calorie content, the region or brand might not necessarily cause a significant deviation in calories. However, some brands might have proprietary methods or use unique ingredients, leading to slight variations. Always refer to the nutritional information provided by the brand for precise details.

How Do Cocktails That Combine Both Tequila and Vodka, Like Some High-energy Club Drinks, Rank in Terms of Calorie Content?

Combining tequila and vodka in a cocktail doubles the spirits’ calorie content before even considering additional ingredients. High-energy club drinks, especially those with sugary mixers, energy drinks, or fruit juices, can be quite calorie-dense. It’s essential to drink such combinations in moderation and be aware of the total caloric impact.

Calorie Content of Tequila VS. Vodka

Hopefully, you now have a better idea of which beverages you should avoid and which ones you can enjoy without feeling guilty about your calorie consumption if you are the type of person who likes to keep track of their intake and count calories.

We hope this helps shed some light and educate you a little bit, even if you’re not a caloric counter and were just curious about the numbers behind these drinks.

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